Block Shares

Block Shares
1335357 1335816 1337035 1337381 1337513 1337805 1337853 1338186 1338360 1338620 1338736 1339110 1339311 1340579 1343326 1343386 1343532 1343999 1344099 1344222
Expected 14213899 14213899 13658788 13658788 13658788 13658788 13658788 13658788 13658788 13658788 14276605 14276605 14276605 14276605 15106219 15106219 15106219 15106219 15106219 15106219
Actual 11256804 16386702 40736578 8521149 3605526 18037000 1074404 7521146 4932907 7559799 4437983 9740017 7200132 43739276 69829518 955856 2963827 8511946 2196177 3028421
Average 8602751 9821990 10849369 9921267 9880451 11440593 11517524 11811153 11963807 11963202 11281319 10616651 7263006 10784819 17407218 15699104 15888046 15987126 15713453 15260315

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 2,159,424 789 787 2 6,587,098.1057 20736184837 22313415043 107.61% 16972.35537574 0.04%
Last Hour 24 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 24 Hours 576 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 7 Days 4,032 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 4 Weeks 16,128 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 12 Month 193,536 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
1344222 Confirmed abuali30000 04/01 03:00:18 (UTC) 3,776,554.85 26.446450 15,106,219 3,028,421 20.05
1344099 Confirmed anonymous 03/01 20:57:14 (UTC) 3,776,554.85 27.455233 15,106,219 2,196,177 14.54
1343999 Confirmed anonymous 03/01 16:05:42 (UTC) 3,776,554.85 28.824031 15,106,219 8,511,946 56.35
1343532 Confirmed anonymous 02/01 21:21:16 (UTC) 3,776,554.85 25.052167 15,106,219 2,963,827 19.62
1343386 Confirmed anonymous 02/01 14:24:16 (UTC) 3,776,554.85 25.468487 15,106,219 955,856 6.33
1343326 Confirmed schmidi000 02/01 12:03:03 (UTC) 3,776,554.85 25.533541 15,106,219 69,829,518 462.26
1340579 Confirmed anonymous 28/12 18:34:06 (UTC) 3,569,151.13 25.266346 14,276,605 43,739,276 306.37
1339311 Confirmed anonymous 26/12 15:11:36 (UTC) 3,569,151.13 25.186157 14,276,605 7,200,132 50.43
1339110 Confirmed anonymous 26/12 06:42:45 (UTC) 3,569,151.13 25.323158 14,276,605 9,740,017 68.22
1338736 Confirmed anonymous 25/12 17:08:12 (UTC) 3,569,151.13 25.773732 14,276,605 4,437,983 31.09
1338620 Confirmed anonymous 25/12 11:16:48 (UTC) 3,414,696.93 25.017959 13,658,788 7,559,799 55.35
1338360 Confirmed anonymous 25/12 00:57:35 (UTC) 3,414,696.93 25.396856 13,658,788 4,932,907 36.12
1338186 Confirmed anonymous 24/12 17:29:55 (UTC) 3,414,696.93 25.021314 13,658,788 7,521,146 55.06
1337853 Confirmed anonymous 24/12 05:05:19 (UTC) 3,414,696.93 25.089295 13,658,788 1,074,404 7.87
1337805 Confirmed Van 24/12 03:19:57 (UTC) 3,414,696.93 25.865065 13,658,788 18,037,000 132.05
1337513 Confirmed anonymous 23/12 15:13:21 (UTC) 3,414,696.93 26.033493 13,658,788 3,605,526 26.40
1337381 Confirmed anonymous 23/12 09:43:35 (UTC) 3,414,696.93 25.136703 13,658,788 8,521,149 62.39
1337035 Confirmed anonymous 22/12 20:19:45 (UTC) 3,414,696.93 28.180435 13,658,788 40,736,578 298.24
1335816 Confirmed anonymous 20/12 17:59:05 (UTC) 3,553,474.80 25.509967 14,213,899 16,386,702 115.29
1335357 Confirmed anonymous 19/12 22:09:03 (UTC) 3,553,474.80 25.028622 14,213,899 11,256,804 79.20
Totals 285,441,836 272,235,168 95.37
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 130 confirms.