Block Shares

Block Shares
1887732 1888940 1892186 1892256 1893569 1894067 1897091 1897658 1911913 1937464 1955526 1966895 1986045 1989241 2001901 2011915 2019222 2073788 2104509 2204492
Expected 38093575 38093575 34996255 34996255 37755109 37755109 34694504 34694504 41141061 28042973 29534678 33273409 41141831 40340293 41017509 41275428 40957919 43781464 39670041 53792649
Actual 40037538 40866995 81202079 1222778 31481939 15160787 62199661 14105085 184343098 206711429 120007555 78602174 131485151 23214039 107533337 89302509 40149887 42364059 16728375 11332550
Average 42473213 45960254 47684856 41866507 43342304 43596426 45930948 45111574 53843534 67733139 75730141 79503659 84531966 86731092 94336232 101750404 99545426 102371324 85609852 66071964

The graph above illustrates N shares to find a block vs. E Shares expected to find a block based on target and network difficulty and assuming a zero variance scenario.

Block Overview

Gen Est. Found Valid Orphan Avg Diff Shares Est. Shares Percentage Amount Rate Est.
All Time 2,240,710 789 787 2 6,587,098.1057 20736184837 22313415043 107.61% 16972.35537574 0.04%
Last Hour 24 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 24 Hours 576 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 7 Days 4,032 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 4 Weeks 16,128 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
Last 12 Month 193,536 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00% 0 0.00%

Last 20 Blocks Found

Block Validity Finder Time Difficulty Amount Expected Shares Actual Shares Percentage
2204492 Confirmed orsing 03/02 00:26:33 (UTC) 13,448,162.27 12.516635 53,792,649 11,332,550 21.07
2104509 Confirmed anonymous 14/08 12:06:57 (UTC) 9,917,510.20 12.506301 39,670,041 16,728,375 42.17
2073788 Confirmed anonymous 21/06 14:27:39 (UTC) 10,945,366.00 12.552734 43,781,464 42,364,059 96.76
2019222 Confirmed anonymous 18/03 21:14:59 (UTC) 10,239,479.69 12.515591 40,957,919 40,149,887 98.03
2011915 Confirmed anonymous 06/03 05:19:28 (UTC) 10,318,857.00 12.507519 41,275,428 89,302,509 216.36
2001901 Confirmed anonymous 16/02 15:37:33 (UTC) 10,254,377.37 12.504502 41,017,509 107,533,337 262.16
1989241 Confirmed anonymous 25/01 14:49:00 (UTC) 10,085,073.20 12.530869 40,340,293 23,214,039 57.55
1986045 Confirmed anonymous 20/01 02:11:57 (UTC) 10,285,457.64 12.521856 41,141,831 131,485,151 319.59
1966895 Confirmed anonymous 18/12 14:10:35 (UTC) 8,318,352.29 12.581193 33,273,409 78,602,174 236.23
1955526 Confirmed anonymous 29/11 05:25:17 (UTC) 7,383,669.56 12.501506 29,534,678 120,007,555 406.33
1937464 Confirmed anonymous 29/10 00:12:25 (UTC) 7,010,743.16 12.546490 28,042,973 206,711,429 737.12
1911913 Confirmed anonymous 13/09 05:37:55 (UTC) 10,285,265.21 12.537578 41,141,061 184,343,098 448.08
1897658 Confirmed anonymous 20/08 01:34:46 (UTC) 8,673,625.98 12.526551 34,694,504 14,105,085 40.66
1897091 Confirmed anonymous 19/08 00:20:50 (UTC) 8,673,625.98 12.501147 34,694,504 62,199,661 179.28
1894067 Confirmed anonymous 13/08 13:32:25 (UTC) 9,438,777.29 12.512061 37,755,109 15,160,787 40.16
1893569 Confirmed anonymous 12/08 15:38:58 (UTC) 9,438,777.29 12.521102 37,755,109 31,481,939 83.38
1892256 Confirmed anonymous 10/08 09:29:11 (UTC) 8,749,063.82 12.501457 34,996,255 1,222,778 3.49
1892186 Confirmed anonymous 10/08 07:34:02 (UTC) 8,749,063.82 12.517842 34,996,255 81,202,079 232.03
1888940 Confirmed anonymous 04/08 10:09:22 (UTC) 9,523,393.71 12.633357 38,093,575 40,866,995 107.28
1887732 Confirmed anonymous 02/08 07:48:37 (UTC) 9,523,393.71 12.515762 38,093,575 40,037,538 105.10
Totals 765,048,141 1,338,051,025 174.90
  • Note: Round Earnings are not credited until 130 confirms.